Everyone talks about the struggle of a Winner but very few acknowledges a LOSER. A LOSER is no different from a Winner, he too goes through the same journey of Pain and Sorrow, in fact, a bit more. Like a famous man says, “The Winner Stands Alone”, A LOSER too stands alone but in the crowd behind a Winner. But the Question is Why am I so interested in writing The Story of A LOSER. Want to know Why? Here you go!

We all want to be in that Winner category but very few of us can be that because A winner is special, he is rare, to be specific, very rare. If you see the population, only 10% makes to that list so why do we crave behind the thought of being a winner. Because a Winner is applauded, respected and given the position, one can only desire for. What does a LOSER get? Rejection, abuses and considered as a negative personality because he has failed the test of life. But do we really can differentiate between a Winner and a LOSER. I think we need to grow up in terms of understanding the value of the word “LOSER”. One doesn’t wish to be a LOSER but I feel we all are a LOSER somewhere down the line. You can be a Winner in One section of your life, not in all. Let’s take an example, A very famous celebrity of India, richest actor in Bollywood, has all the name, fame and money one desires for. He has a well-balanced life, a loving wife, and beautiful kids too. But in all these, his parents are not there to watch his success which he regrets. Success and fame sometimes demand a huge sacrifice and not everyone is capable of giving it. Some may get it by luck and some by hard work but in every potential winner, there is a LOSER hiding.

You can see famous people around you, you can read their stories and you will come to know a very unique thing about them. Some got famous by 30 and died at 50 while some got fame in their late 40’s and 50’s and still living with that. LOSER doesn’t have an age, sometimes a man’s whole life is titled as LOSER and he dies as a LOSER too but what matters is that how happy was he. We misunderstood happiness and success because success is about being on the top, being the prime out of odds but happiness, happiness is meant for everyone, for LOSER too.

On the contrary, I would also like to say that a Winner is the best LOSER because in most of the cases, to win a battle he has to Loose everything, everyone, from his family who are dear to him to his beloved girl with whom he has taken several promises to his buddies who had been very close to him in his worst days. In act of being self-centered, he has to be selfish to be a winner. Actually, it’s better to be a LOSER rather being nothing.
At this stage of my life, I am a LOSER too and whoever is reading this blog, I would like to say – “Don’t be afraid of Losing because I have read long back that Winner is incomplete without a LOSER, and adding to it, not everyone has the courage to not to be in that Self-centered/Selfish category” #And for our society, a person who differes from them is also a LOSER