The current scenario of Tier II and Tier III cities in terms of development as well as employment is well known to everyone. Taking example of Jharkhand, with majority of graduates coming out of universities, the overall jobs (Public + Private) are very few in number. Think about the number of unemployed graduates only in Tier II and Tier III cities of Jharkhand. This is one of the major reasons why most of the graduates shift towards Tier I cities for their educational as well as financial growth. But the problem doesn’t stop at this stage. Shifting in Tier I cities brings more challenges and competitions which is idiosyncratic personality and prodigious communication skills. This paper deals with various types and techniques of grooming one should go through in these small cities. The advantages of grooming techniques like Personal Grooming, Professional Grooming, Technical Grooming and most importantly Creative Grooming will be highlighted in this paper. As the paper proceeds, it focuses on the important aspects of grooming and self-development. According to the paper, the primary focus should be grooming of students and theoretical approach or subject knowledge should be secondary. By providing professional techniques, the students from these cities can be guided to showcase their real talent and creativity. Finally the ultimate purpose of presenting this paper is to bring awareness in students and people of tier II and tier III cities that practical knowledge has more benefit over theoretical approach.
(This is the Abstract of my research which I have been working on from past 3 Years. Comment with your suggestions)