Shy, Silent, She hide herself within the Crowd; A noise in her heart made her a Woman Soft, Sober, She rose herself within the Crowd; A Silence in her mind made her a Woman Extract from Being-Women by Rahat
Women over the years have witnessed the Men Dominance in a very uniquely absurd manner. From imposing The Breast Tax during Travancore Kingdom to blacklist Free the Nipple campaign, Men have always been stronger in The Art of Dominance Game. Let’s go back in history and know more about the Women suppression and Men Dominance.

We have read a lot of classic examples based on Gender Dominance, Religion Dominance or Caste Dominance but the story which we are going to read here is a mixture of both Gender and Caste Dominance. During the Travancore reign, a new kind or let me put it straight, a filthy law was imposed on people – Mulakaram as known as The Breast Tax. The Lower class Women were not allowed to cover their breast and if they do so, they or their family has to bear the cost – Pay the Mulakaram. The filth was not limited to exposing breasts but way more. The Tax collector used to give the family sometime to save the money for Mulakaram and after a while used to visit the home of the defaulter woman. Then the collector used to touch and measure the the size and structure of the breast and then decide the exact amount which has to be paid as Mulakaram. This was one of the filthiest law in the history of any civilization. After the women & men of the lower caste started revolting against the king in large numbers, the law was finally removed. This act in history shows not only the dominance of upper caste over the lower one but also how Men used power to fulfill their sexual desires.

History has witnessed the cruelty and filth of male society but present is no less. This time, the scenario is changed, outcome is still the same. Free the Nipple campaign on social media platform caused a ruckus among the male dominant society that how can women casualize the exposure of nipple. Men have reacted in weird manner to this act and unlike past, they are now divided. After my research, I have categorized Men in 3 Categories – First, The Thekedaars, second is The Samajhdaars and third and last one is The Tharkees.
The Thekedaars – This category is mostly found across the globe and think themselves superior to women. According to them, a male is allowed to perform all the front end task and do or say whatever he wishes to and a female has no right to question and handle all the back end work. They are so smart that they have narrated all the holy scriptures in such a way to woman that today a woman’s biggest rival is a woman. Freeing the nipple basically means that if a Man is allowed to expose it anywhere, why not a women. Just because a man gets uncomfortable a women shouldn’t do that thing. The Samaj ke Thekedaars have always stopped women in small things so how could they ever allow them to do this. Statements like Our culture won’t allow this, God is watching, This is a crime, This is Sin, etc.

The Samajhdaars – This category of men are few in number and are intellectuals who actually want equality in our society. They don’t believe in dominance and present their views freely and often are bashed for tis. Many a times, when a Male Actor or a Male Sports personality tries to justify the power of the opposite gender, he is often shoved by The Thekedaars and his name and his career is affected. The Samajhdaars is what the society needs and it can only be possible when the fear of acknowledgment is gone.
The Tharkees – If you know the language Hindi, you know what Tharki means. Tharki in English means Pervert. The Men who belong to this category are the most dangerous ones, they are dangerous than the Thekedaars because the Tharkees intentions are hidden. They look like The Samajhdaars which is why lots of women trust them but is only interested in satisfying their sexual desires. During free the nipple campaign, lots of men came into support, some where The Samajhdaars and the other were The Tharkees who will say that they are in favor of the campaign but for obvious reasons. These are the ones who stalk women, sends them pictures of their tools and ask for the same. They label women as nothing but sexual objects and often spread the negativity about them.

Women have raised their voice for their rights, for the unjust to Right to equality but with the help of Art of Dominance, Male Chauvinist Pigs have turned the story upside down and have marked everything as Vulgar and obscene. This will only change when women will start participating in leadership job roles. From the Assembly Sittings to CEO positions, women have to be everywhere in good numbers and then only the amendments will happen, the law will change. I imagine a world where I as a Man should never be accused of having more opportunity or choice than my counter part.