From a very young age, I always neglected this word as I was always pissed off with this. I used to think this is nothing but crap full of dirt which multiplies your problem. But now I think I should speak as I am knowledgeable enough to do that.
Politics in India is very different from rest of the world. Talking about the national parties which form the government here – Congress and BJP, if the first one is worse second one is no less. We have to understand that one man doesn’t define the whole government and it’s not always being supportive blindfold. Hindu-Muslim fighting can never be seen in general days but as election turns up I don’t know what happens to this country. Rape is one another thing which is a great matter of concern, in spite of media being so active, these cases are not decreasing.
It’s time to open up; youth power is turning the world. If we can be good at start-ups, why can’t we think of a wonderful government? Few days back a 22-year-old boy shouted in Gujarat and you can see the flow, I don’t want to comment whether it was good or bad, but support was huge. I think I have conveyed my message good enough and tried to utilize this social platform well. I am starting, hope many more will. Do silently, Do great. TIME HAS CHANGED AND SO ARE WE!!!