“Mere Sapno ki Raani Kab Ayegi tu……. Chali aa…ooo…Chali aa…….”
The above song justifies the exact feeling of every single guy who is waiting for a beautiful girl to enter his life. From my childhood days, I have been hearing the stories about Prince charming. Actually I wonder Why only girls take the advantage of having such a wonderful thought.
“A handsome, young and dashing Prince, riding on the strongest horse, coming all through millions of miles, battling with every devil in the universe, just for me…”
I mean I really love the way how it has been portrayed in the history about the brave young kings and prince fighting for their Queen but I am a 21st century boy and unlike others I have a completely different scenario. What I dream is –
“A gorgeous powerful, fearless and victorious Princess, riding on a beautiful White horse, pulling me straight up and taking me to the world of happiness and Love… Yes, She is the Princess of My Dream…”
In the present generation, the generation of equal rights where Men and Women walk neck to neck with each other, some things still remain Questionable. If a woman can work in Companies, can run their self-started Businesses then Why Can’t Men take the entire responsibility of house hold work. Confused? I know My words weren’t making a complete sense. I have been seeing my Mom over couple of decades giving her entire 24/7 schedule to our home. I am proud of her not only because she is my mom but for the role she is playing. It’s the toughest job on this planet with no fixed leaves and statistically no fixed salary. Also, my Dad has supported us with financial help by working in an office but her work is much more on a different note. But in today’s generation where women too are working in the office with their male partner, most of the time the kids are losing the emotional nutrition which we had in surplus amount. In fact, even after returning from office the mother tries to give her best but at the end of the day she is a human who needs rest. I am not against people working in companies and neither I am against any particular gender but I only want to put my point through, the point of justice, justice for us, justice for our future generation. If a girl can help his Prince, why can’t a boy help his Princess.
Recently a movie in Bollywood came up with the very same concept (Ki & Ka). I was shocked to see the plot of the movie as it matched the idea I have been sharing with my best buddies. I love the presentation as it was the exact way how I wanted to present myself. Surprisingly the movie didn’t do well on box office as the concept was not liked by too many people, which I can understand.
First of all, to all the Superstar Male readers, I may be wrong in presenting this view but I only want to ask one Question, are we that weak that the things which have been done by the opposite sex can’t be done by us? Let’s keep our Man Ego aside for a minute and be true to our self. This is not easy but not impossible also.
And to my Lovely Female readers, I would also like to mention a very important point. In case your Man takes up the challenge, will you support him completely without expecting a single penny from his pocket as he won’t be earning (statistically)? And will your respect will remain the same throughout the life as it won’t be easy for him? The job is really challenging not because it involves a huge amount of time but because it breaks the stereotype. It’s tough but worth trying.
“If I am her Superman, she is my Wonder Woman”
Princess of my Dream will bring all the happiness I ever dreamt of. Not only she will give me the best form of love but will always be there for my needs and stupid demands. I promise that I will hold her hand very tightly, I won’t let her feel low and pressured, I will support her wherever she needs it and like this not only we will make World a better place to live but also learn and grow. In our relation, we will be omitting some words of our mighty Dictionary – there will be no My or Mine, it will only be Ours; there will be no I & You rather it will only be Us.
Yes, one day my dream will come true and Someone has said –
“Dreams should be chased, but you should know which dreams are worth chasing and which are not.”
And that Someone is Me, Rahat