Wed 2 Dec 15 6:26 PM
I am feeling to die. I am feeling numb; I cannot feel my pulses, my heartbeat. I didn’t know what people want out of me. She is a very beautiful girl and I love her a lot, but she is too casual in her life. I didn’t want her to change… Or let me put it straight… Yes, I do want her to change but that will help her.
Today I felt very broke. All these days I have been asking her whether does she feel for me and she used to reply that yes she does but she needs some time. I was ready to give all the time she needs but the only thing I asked her that after giving you all the time will you be waiting for me. She said yes she will be waiting but like I said today she said something shocking.
I asked her indirectly that “Whether if your Ex-BF comes back in your life what will you do; will you go with him?”
And she responded “Maybe or maybe not, I am not certain about myself” I didn’t know what I should say more because after every single day my love for her increases but from her side her answers make me lose my motive of living. I didn’t know what should I do now, I guess exiting is the best option as she is very realistic and I am a guy who enjoys the dream world.
My love for her won’t change, but I guess sometimes some people are meant to be in our life for a very limited time. I can’t hate you dear, but you didn’t allow me to love you; by putting an unsaid barrier; I hope my one-sided love was better.