Dear Alisha,
Some Girls are meant to be different from the crowd. I always had a thought to write something for everyone but for you something very special but I never thought you wont be there to read it. I have always admired a personality like yours and today I feel so low and empty because of your betrayal. Why Alisha… Why ?
It was near the end of 2014 when we met in the office for the very first time. I was sitting outside the building and waiting for the cab and we got introduced where you said “Hi… I am Alisha”. I was happy that now some good chick in the office to stare at. Later when we started sharing some time together I got to know that apart from beautiful body and face, you had a beautiful heart too. I remember the day I was in the cafeteria, down with some work pressure and you came next to me and asked “Everything fine Rahat… you look Low” I was really happy the way you showed the concern and slowly our friendship started to grow. We shifted to a new office and I remember everyday you would stop near my bay and correct me whenever I wish you “Good morning Alisha”…. and you say “Rahat its Good evening… we are in India”. You were such a cool person who use to bear all my cheesy lines and that smile of yours whenever I used to flirt with you…. Alisha… You were a gem among all.
You are the girl who taught me how girls think these days and how to handle them which helped me a lot dear. I used to share all my plans with you and you always encouraged me. Even after leaving the office you were always in touch with me. You suggested me new things… new places…. and the best part that you always believed in me. When I think about that resort thing… We were one crazy partner… Whole night we hanged out together and then early in the morning we ran to the beach. I can never forget that morning where for the first time I saw Baby Alisha Blue playing Under the Blue sky, with the Blue water of the Sea… You were running like the kid on the sand and pushing us all in the water.

Few days back when we had a chat I was amazed to see that even in your worse condition you were so lively. You were worried about your parents and all the money spent on you and I was just thinking that you will recover soon. I felt so helpless when you said about your condition but never thought that I will witness one of the worst reality. I am sorry Alisha for giving you the wrong hope that Everything will be fine. I hope that the other world is more prettier and happier and you will add more shine to it. You are more closer to lord and I know you will definitely push our wishes to him. I hope that very soon I will be efficient enough so that I can do whatever I can for your beloved family. Till then be happy and smile the way you always used to and I know you won’t Rest In Peace because My Alisha will be Partying hard and peace is not her cup of Tea.
Yours Forever Friend Rahat